Honey Its Alright as Long as I Know That You Love Me


Alive Beta

Title Astral Reflection
Allegiance Mondstadt
Weapon Blazon Catalyst
Birthday 31 Baronial
Astrolabe Name Astrolabos
Chinese Seiyuu 陈婷婷
Japanese Seiyuu 小原好美
English Seiyuu Felecia Angelle
Korean Seiyuu Woo Jeong-shin
In-game Description A mysterious young astrologer who proclaims herself to exist "Astrologist Mona Megistus," and who possesses abilities to match the title. Erudite, but prideful.

Table of Contents

Attack Talents
Talents Cloth
Passive Talents
Rise Rewards
Card Item
Specific Food
Combat Sounds

Stat Progression

Attack Talents

Normal Assault: Ripple of Fate

Normal Assault
Perform up to 4 water splash attacks that deal

Hydro DMG.
Charged Assault
Consumes a certain corporeality of Stamina to deal AoE Hydro DMG after a brusque casting time.
Plunging Set on
Gathering the might of Hydro, Mona plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Hydro DMG upon impact with the ground.
Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11 Lv12 Lv13 Lv14 Lv15
1-Hit DMG 37.6% twoscore.42% 43.24% 47% 49.82% 52.64% 56.iv% 60.sixteen% 63.92% 67.68% 71.44% 75.2% 79.9% 84.6% 89.three%
2-Hit DMG 36% 38.7% 41.4% 45% 47.7% 50.4% 54% 57.6% 61.2% 64.8% 68.4% 72% 76.5% 81% 85.5%
iii-Striking DMG 44.8% 48.16% 51.52% 56% 59.36% 62.72% 67.2% 71.68% 76.sixteen% fourscore.64% 85.12% 89.6% 95.2% 100.eight% 106.four%
iv-Hit DMG 56.sixteen% 60.37% 64.58% lxx.ii% 74.41% 78.62% 84.24% 89.86% 95.47% 101.09% 106.seven% 112.32% 119.34% 126.36% 133.38%
Charged Set on DMG 149.72% 160.95% 172.18% 187.15% 198.38% 209.61% 224.58% 239.55% 254.52% 269.v% 285.07% 305.43% 325.79% 346.xv% 366.51%
Charged Attack Stamina Cost 50 l 50 50 50 50 fifty l 50 50 l 50 l l 50
Plunge DMG 56.83% 61.45% 66.08% 72.69% 77.31% 82.6% 89.87% 97.14% 104.41% 112.34% 120.27% 128.two% 136.12% 144.05% 151.98%
Low/High Plunge DMG 113.63%

Mirror Reflection of Doom

Creates an illusory Phantom of Fate from coalesced waterspouts.

Phantom has the following special backdrop:
• Continuously taunts nearby opponents, alluring their fire.
• Continuously deals Hydro DMG to nearby opponents.
• When its elapsing expires, the Phantom explodes, dealing AoE Hydro DMG.
Utilizes water currents to move backwards swiftly before conjuring a Phantom.
Only one Phantom created by Mirror Reflection of Doom can exist at any fourth dimension.
Skilled astrologers have always dreamed of using a phantom facsimile of themselves to ward off imminent ill fate, but Mona must be the get-go to make such a mockery of it in all of Teyvat.
Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11 Lv12 Lv13 Lv14 Lv15
DoT 32% 34.4% 36.eight% xl% 42.4% 44.8% 48% 51.2% 54.4% 57.half dozen% 60.8% 64% 68% 72% 76%
Explosion DMG 132.eight% 142.76% 152.72% 166% 175.96% 185.92% 199.two% 212.48% 225.76% 239.04% 252.32% 265.half dozen% 282.2% 298.viii% 315.four%
CD 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s

Illusory Torrent

Alternating Sprint
Mona cloaks herself within the water's period, consuming Stamina to move quickly.
When under the outcome of Illusory Torrent, Mona can move at high speed on water.
Applies the

Wet status to nearby opponents when she reappears.
This is something that Mona can do, but her teacher cannot. Well, but it's not every bit if her teacher would pursue whatever matter concerning Hydro Visions anyhow...
Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11 Lv12 Lv13 Lv14 Lv15
Activation Stamina Consumption x
Stamina Bleed 15/s

Stellaris Phantasm

Mona summons the sparkling waves and creates a reflection of the starry sky, applying the Illusory Chimera condition to opponents in a large AoE.
Illusory Bubble
Traps opponents within a pocket of destiny and besides makes them

Wet. Renders weaker opponents immobile.
When an opponent affected by Illusory Bubble sustains DMG, it has the following furnishings:
• Applies an Omen to the opponent, which gives a DMG Bonus, also increasing the DMG of the attack that causes it.
• Removes the Illusory Chimera, dealing Hydro DMG in the procedure.
During its duration, increases DMG taken past opponents.
It was from the fourth dimension that gods commencement traced the lights in the heavens with their eyes that the notion of "fate" was born.
Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11 Lv12 Lv13 Lv14 Lv15
Illusory Bubble Duration 8s 8s 8s 8s 8s 8s 8s 8s 8s 8s 8s 8s 8s 8s 8s
Illusory Bubble Explosion DMG 442.4% 475.58% 508.76% 553% 586.18% 619.36% 663.6% 707.84% 752.08% 796.32% 840.56% 884.8% 940.one% 995.4% 1050.seven%
DMG Bonus 42% 44% 46% 48% l% 52% 54% 56% 58% 60% 60% 60% sixty% lx% 60%
Omen Duration 4s 4s 4s four.5s 4.5s 4.5s 5s 5s 5s 5s 5s 5s 5s 5s 5s
CD 15s 15s 15s 15s 15s 15s 15s 15s 15s 15s 15s 15s 15s 15s 15s
Energy Cost lx lx 60 lx 60 60 60 sixty lx 60 60 60 threescore 60 threescore

Talent Ascension Materials (Single Talent)

Talent Ascension Materials (All iii Talents lvl 10)

Passive Talents

Principium of Astrology

When Mona crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, she has a 25% take chances to refund a portion of the crafting materials used.

"Come 'n' Get Me, Hag!"

After she has used

Illusory Torrent for 2s, if in that location are any opponents nearby, Mona volition automatically create a Phantom.
A Phantom created in this style lasts for 2s, and its explosion DMG is equal to 50% of Mirror Reflection of Doom.

Waterborne Destiny

Increases Mona's

Hydro DMG Bonus past a caste equivalent to 20% of her Energy Recharge rate.


Prophecy of Submersion

When any of your own party members hits an opponent affected by an Omen, the furnishings of

Hydro-related Elemental Reactions are enhanced for 8s:
• Electro-Charged DMG increases by 15%.
• Vaporize DMG increases by fifteen%.
• Hydro Swirl DMG increases by fifteen%.
• Frozen duration is extended by 15%.

Lunar Chain

When a Normal Attack hits, there is a 20% chance that it will be automatically followed by a Charged Set on.
This effect can simply occur once every 5s.

Restless Revolution

Increases the Level of

Stellaris Phantasm by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Prophecy of Oblivion

When any political party member attacks an opponent afflicted past an Omen, their CRIT Rate is increased by fifteen%.

Mockery of Fortuna

Increases the Level of

Mirror Reflection of Doom by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Rhetorics of Calamitas

Upon inbound

Illusory Torrent, Mona gains a lx% increase to the DMG of her next Charged Assault per 2nd of movement.
A maximum DMG Bonus of 180% tin be achieved in this manner. The upshot lasts for no more than than 8s.

Championship Astral Reflection
Allegiance Mondstadt
Weapon Type Catalyst
Birthday 31 August
Astrolabe Name Astrolabos
Chinese Seiyuu 陈婷婷
Japanese Seiyuu 小原好美
English Seiyuu Felecia Angelle
Korean Seiyuu 우정신
In-game Description A mysterious young astrologer who proclaims herself to be "Astrologist Mona Megistus," and who possesses abilities to friction match the title. Brainy, just prideful.

Tabular array of Contents

Assault Talents
Talents Cloth
Passive Talents
Ascension Rewards
Card Item
Specific Food
Combat Sounds

Stat Progression

Attack Talents

Normal Set on: Ripple of Fate

Normal Attack
Perform upwards to 4 water splash attacks that deal

Hydro DMG.
Charged Attack
Consumes a sure amount of Stamina to deal AoE Hydro DMG later on a short casting time.
Plunging Attack
Gathering the might of Hydro, Mona plunges towards the footing from mid-air, dissentious all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Hydro DMG upon impact with the ground.
Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11 Lv12 Lv13 Lv14 Lv15
i-Hit DMG 37.6% 40.42% 43.24% 47% 49.82% 52.64% 56.4% 60.16% 63.92% 67.68% 71.44% 75.ii% 79.nine% 84.6% 89.3%
2-Hit DMG 36% 38.7% 41.4% 45% 47.7% 50.four% 54% 57.6% 61.ii% 64.8% 68.four% 72% 76.5% 81% 85.5%
3-Hitting DMG 44.8% 48.xvi% 51.52% 56% 59.36% 62.72% 67.2% 71.68% 76.16% eighty.64% 85.12% 89.6% 95.2% 100.8% 106.iv%
4-Hit DMG 56.16% 60.37% 64.58% 70.two% 74.41% 78.62% 84.24% 89.86% 95.47% 101.09% 106.seven% 112.32% 119.34% 126.36% 133.38%
Charged Attack DMG 149.72% 160.95% 172.eighteen% 187.fifteen% 198.38% 209.61% 224.58% 239.55% 254.52% 269.5% 285.07% 305.43% 325.79% 346.fifteen% 366.51%
Charged Attack Stamina Price l 50 50 50 l 50 50 50 l 50 50 l 50 fifty 50
Plunge DMG 56.83% 61.45% 66.08% 72.69% 77.31% 82.six% 89.87% 97.fourteen% 104.41% 112.34% 120.27% 128.two% 136.12% 144.05% 151.98%
Low/High Plunge DMG 113.63% / 141.93% 122.88% / 153.49% 132.xiii% / 165.04% 145.35% / 181.54% 154.59% / 193.ane% 165.17% / 206.iii% 179.7% / 224.45% 194.23% / 242.61% 208.77% / 260.76% 224.62% / 280.57% 240.48% / 300.37% 256.34% / 320.xviii% 272.19% / 339.98% 288.05% / 359.79% 303.9% / 379.59%

Mirror Reflection of Doom

Creates an illusory Phantom of Fate from coalesced waterspouts.

Phantom has the following special properties:
• Continuously taunts nearby opponents, attracting their fire.
• Continuously deals Hydro DMG to nearby opponents.
• When its duration expires, the Phantom explodes, dealing AoE Hydro DMG.
Utilizes water currents to move backwards swiftly before conjuring a Phantom.
Only ane Phantom created past Mirror Reflection of Doom can exist at any time.
Skilled astrologers take e'er dreamed of using a phantom facsimile of themselves to ward off imminent ill fate, but Mona must be the first to brand such a mockery of it in all of Teyvat.
Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11 Lv12 Lv13 Lv14 Lv15
DoT 32% 34.four% 36.8% 40% 42.4% 44.8% 48% 51.2% 54.iv% 57.6% 60.eight% 64% 68% 72% 76%
Explosion DMG 132.eight% 142.76% 152.72% 166% 175.96% 185.92% 199.2% 212.48% 225.76% 239.04% 252.32% 265.six% 282.2% 298.8% 315.4%
CD 12 s 12 south 12 s 12 s 12 s 12 s 12 s 12 s 12 s 12 s 12 south 12 s 12 due south 12 south 12 s

Illusory Torrent

Alternating Dart
Mona cloaks herself within the water'south flow, consuming Stamina to move rapidly.
When nether the effect of Illusory Torrent, Mona can move at high speed on water.
Applies the

Wet condition to nearby opponents when she reappears.
This is something that Mona can do, only her teacher cannot. Well, only it'due south not equally if her teacher would pursue whatsoever matter concerning Hydro Visions anyway...
Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11 Lv12 Lv13 Lv14 Lv15
Activation Stamina Consumption 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stamina Drain 15 /s 0 /due south 0 /southward 0 /s 0 /due south 0 /s 0 /s 0 /s 0 /south 0 /s 0 /s 0 /s 0 /due south 0 /s 0 /s

Stellaris Phantasm

Mona summons the sparkling waves and creates a reflection of the starry sky, applying the Illusory Bubble status to opponents in a big AoE.
Illusory Bubble
Traps opponents inside a pocket of destiny and also makes them

Moisture. Renders weaker opponents immobile.
When an opponent affected past Illusory Bubble sustains DMG, information technology has the following effects:
• Applies an Omen to the opponent, which gives a DMG Bonus, likewise increasing the DMG of the attack that causes it.
• Removes the Illusory Bubble, dealing Hydro DMG in the process.
During its duration, increases DMG taken by opponents.
It was from the fourth dimension that gods first traced the lights in the heavens with their optics that the notion of "fate" was born.
Lv1 Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11 Lv12 Lv13 Lv14 Lv15
Illusory Bubble Duration 8 south viii due south 8 s eight s 8 due south 8 s 8 s viii s 8 s 8 s 8 s 8 southward eight s viii s eight s
Illusory Bubble Explosion DMG 442.iv% 475.58% 508.76% 553% 586.xviii% 619.36% 663.half-dozen% 707.84% 752.08% 796.32% 840.56% 884.8% 940.i% 995.iv% 1050.7%
DMG Bonus 42% 44% 46% 48% 50% 52% 54% 56% 58% 60% 60% 60% 60% sixty% 60%
Omen Duration four due south 4 s four s 4.v s 4.5 south four.v s 5 s v s v due south 5 due south 5 s 5 southward five s five s 5 due south
CD 15 due south xv south 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 s 15 southward 15 s fifteen s 15 s 15 s 15 south 15 s fifteen s
Energy Price 60 60 lx 60 sixty 60 60 threescore 60 60 sixty threescore threescore sixty sixty

Talent Ascension Materials (Single Talent)

Talent Ascent Materials (All 3 Talents lvl ten)

Passive Talents

Principium of Star divination

When Mona crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, she has a 25% take chances to refund a portion of the crafting materials used.

"Come 'due north' Go Me, Hag!"

After she has used

Illusory Torrent for 2s, if there are any opponents nearby, Mona will automatically create a Phantom.
A Phantom created in this manner lasts for 2s, and its explosion DMG is equal to 50% of Mirror Reflection of Doom.

Waterborne Destiny

Increases Mona'southward

Hydro DMG Bonus past a caste equivalent to 20% of her Energy Recharge rate.


Prophecy of Submersion

When any of your own party members hits an opponent affected by an Omen, the effects of

Hydro-related Elemental Reactions are enhanced for 8s:
• Electro-Charged DMG increases by 15%.
• Vaporize DMG increases past 15%.
• Hydro Swirl DMG increases by fifteen%.
• Frozen duration is extended past 15%.

Lunar Chain

When a Normal Assail hits, there is a xx% risk that it will be automatically followed past a Charged Assail.
This issue can simply occur once every 5s.

Restless Revolution

Increases the Level of

Stellaris Phantasm past iii.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Prophecy of Oblivion

When whatsoever party member attacks an opponent affected by an Omen, their CRIT Rate is increased by xv%.

Mockery of Fortuna

Increases the Level of

Mirror Reflection of Doom by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Rhetorics of Calamitas

Upon inbound

Illusory Torrent, Mona gains a 60% increase to the DMG of her next Charged Attack per second of movement.
A maximum DMG Bonus of 180% can exist accomplished in this manner. The effect lasts for no more than 8s.

Ascension Rewards


Mona: Starry Sky
Type Namecard Style
In-game Slang
In-game Clarification

Namecard style.
A girl gazes down at the stars' reflection on the water, pondering the joys and sorrows of life.

Card Detail

In-game Slang Unlocks the associated character
In-game Description

A mysterious young astrologer who proclaims herself to exist "Astrologist Mona Megistus," and who possesses abilities to friction match the championship. Erudite, but prideful.

Specific Food

Der Weisheit Letzter Schluss (Life)
Type Special Dish
Original Food Satisfying Salad
Effect Increases all party members' CRIT Charge per unit by sixteen% for 300s. In Co-Op Manner, this effect only applies to your ain graphic symbol(s).
In-game Slang Nutrient
In-game Description

Mona's specialty. A great work from a great astrologer. Its greatest aspect lies with its cost-effectiveness in filling i'due south stomach.

Obtained from recipe

Graphic symbol Gallery


Party Switch
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Party Switch under 30% HP
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Opening Chest
Sound Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Normal Attack
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Medium Attack
Sound Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Heavy Assail
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Taking Damage (Low)
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Taking Harm (High)
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Battle Skill #one
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Battle Skill #3
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Sprinting Starts
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Heavy Breathing (Climbing)
Sound Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Open Earth Gliding (Start)
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Open World Idle
Audio Linguistic communication English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Idle Operation
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean


I am Astrologist Mona Megistus, meaning "The Swell Astrologist Mona." If it is divination you seek from me, then I ask you lot respect my name by learning it wholly, hither and now.
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Chat: Astrology
Divination is about precisely foretelling one's written destiny. Over-embellishing that fate but leads to misconception.
Audio Linguistic communication English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Conversation: Life
Astrologers must rid themselves of material desires. Only by ridding oneself of ataxia tin can one see the truthful world around them.
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Conversation: Fate
Fate is called every bit such, for it cannot exist changed, nor can it be reversed. It tin can only but exist accepted.
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
When It Rains
With rain this heavy, not only are the stars clouded, so too is my scryglass hazy.
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
When Thunder Strikes
Which of the starry skies do these thunderbolts fall from?
Sound Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
When It Snows
The pure waters of melted snowfall are optimal for hydromancy.
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
When the Sunday Is Out
Ane need not scry to know today's weather condition will be good.
Sound Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Good Morning
Your inflow is untimely. The morning star has just waned... Breakfast? No, I—I've already eaten.
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
Good Afternoon
Noon is upon u.s., we should eat. Hm? I... I volition have a salad, for simplicity is the way of the astrologer.
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Good Evening
Nightfall has arrived. I will soon exist able to brainstorm my divination. Ah... Did I finish writing my astrology column last nighttime...?
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Good Night
It'southward already so late, and I'm no further forth on finishing tomorrow's astrology cavalcade. What? Y'all're off to slumber? *sigh* I wish I could sleep now too...
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
About Mona
The work of the astrologer is to testify people what fate has in shop for them, and that's exactly what I do. There will always be those, however, who are unable to accept what they are told.
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Almost Us: Piece of work
Why do I write reports rather than using my divination to earn Mora? I would never use hydromancy for the sake of Mora, nor did I learn hydromancy for that purpose.
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
About Us: My Fate
I don't know. Unless left with no other choice, astrologers do not foretell their own fate. The elders of my art warned against it, for information technology can turn fate in on itself, which is incredibly dangerous.
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
About Us: Your Fate
As you are non from this world, I am unable to give you a prediction. All I can tell yous is that your journey is far from over.
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
About the Vision: Disdain
When I offset received my Vision, the elderly woman that gave it to me, she put on this air and said "May your heart of truth be with you." And however this thing does aught for my hydromancy, all it does is become me moisture.
Audio Linguistic communication English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
About the Vision: Value
That said, a Vision doesn't hurt to accept as a footling accessory. It is, after all, the ane useful study tool that miserly old lady always gave me, in a rare act of generosity.
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Something to Share
Practise yous know about constellations? Astrologers believe that the patterns of the stars map out the destinies of Vision bearers — past, present, and future, everything is written in the stars.
Sound Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Interesting Things
This... travel companion of yours — do you know anything of her origins? No matter what, I cannot seem to discern a single shred of information regarding this floating fairy's fate. ...Oh? So you don't know where she comes from, either?
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
About Jean
You mean the Acting Thou Master of the Knights of Favonius? Her constellation is Leo Minor, which represents strength and responsibility shouldered likewise young... Though the lioness has been separated from her pride for a long fourth dimension, she grows from strength to force, and the day will come up when she is fix to return as its glorious leader.
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
About Albedo
Albedo? Ah... I envy his ability to solely focus on his research without getting bogged downwards in mundane worldly diplomacy. What a wonderful life! If that batty old lady hadn't had one too many screws loose, peradventure that's the life I'd be living past now myself...
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
About Klee
Ah aye, Alice'south daughter. She's in the custody of the Knights of Favonius, and Albedo looks afterwards her too. She's blessed to take Trifolium as her constellation, which represents good luck. I'yard slightly envious... *smirk* Although, if I'd been blessed with proficient luck, I suppose I never would accept had the slap-up honor of running into that former adult female, would I...
Sound Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
About Diluc
Diluc Ragnvindr. His constellation, Noctua, represents vigilance in the darkness of night... A lone guardian keeping spotter, longing for the splendor of dawn, all the same destined to solitude in the night days preceding its inflow.

...Or, wait, perchance Noctua'due south the one tied to wealth...?

Sound Linguistic communication English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Almost Kaeya
Kaeya Alberich? He'south a Pavo Ocellus. Destined for greatness and grandeur... and to hide ugly realities backside a layer of charm and elegance. He believes he has fabricated a make clean pause with his by, but one mean solar day fate will catch upwardly with him. When it does, he will have a major determination to make.
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
About Lisa
A Tempus Fugit... The constellation derives its name from the hourglass, and stands for knowledge and time — or rather, the trade-off between them. As each grain of sand falls downwards, a moment of time — of life, fifty-fifty, dies for good. To stop the unrelenting flow of sand, one would have to plough the hourglass on its side. But once the sand comes to rest, information technology remains motionless forever... Hmm, perchance 'becomes lazy' is more accurate than 'comes to rest,' in this example.
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
About Venti
Venti? The bard that sits around doing nothing all day? What'southward then interesting nigh him? Sure, I estimate I can take a look... Huh, that's weird, the scryglass, information technology's... I can't run into a matter... this wind... I can't... open my optics! No, my lid! Ah! My clothes, stop! The wind's going to strip all my clothes off! Make information technology stop, make it stop! ...Alright, alright! I'll never do this again!
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
More About Mona: I
Yous desire to conversation... for fun? Oh... I don't normally have spare time for such activities, especially when I accept and so many columns left to write... So again, since it's you, information technology might be worth information technology. Hehe, a change of pace once in a while isn't such a bad matter.
Sound Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
More About Mona: Ii
Income? From star divination...? You can't use... things like Mora to determine the value of astrology! You need to sympathize: hydromancy is the one and just means of discerning people's true destiny in the whole of Teyvat! No matter how much Mora or gems you lot might accept, the value of fate is quite simply incalculable! Perchance not the smartest question you might take had for me...
Sound Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
More About Mona: Iii
You want me to explicate how astrology works? I'm not certain y'all'd understand even if I told y'all. Only since yous enquire... The method I use is called hydromancy. The art of inferring fate from the illusory reflection of the stars on the water's surface. The inverted reflection in the water is an image of the heavens from within which the truth of our earth can be observed. ...Information technology is the 1 and simply success story of that old lady's inquiry endeavors.
Sound Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
More Near Mona: Four
Mona Megistus, the Astrologist — nosotros came upward with that name together, the former lady and me. She said it had a prissy band to information technology... Merely then she started calling me 'Meg' for short, which I hate, because obviously 'Mona' is already sufficient for a shorter name— No! Y'all are NOT allowed to phone call me that, information technology'south embarrassing! Gah! I knew I shouldn't have told you!
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
More than Virtually Mona: V
The golden rule all fortune-tellers abide by is: never offer advice. Merely state the results of the divination. Otherwise, you run a risk your fate becoming tangled up with that of your subject area. But for you, I volition brand an exception to this rule — because our fates have been intertwined from the offset.
Sound Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Mona'southward Hobbies
My hobby? Stargazing! In this all-too-existent earth in which nosotros alive, we all need to look up from the dust once in a while and fix our gaze on the stars, in a spirit of wonder... That, plus the whole thing about me being an astrologer.
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
Mona's Troubles
*sigh* The equipment repair bill is due, and and then is the terminal payment for that celestial globe I ordered... As well, I still need to renew my journal subscriptions, non to mention pay the rent... Hmm, which one to prioritize? ...Ah, I'll pay off the celestial earth first. If I leave it any longer, they'll sell out, and then I'll never go my hands on one...
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Favorite Nutrient
Salad. Salad is past far the all-time food in the world. Cheap to buy, like shooting fish in a barrel to whip up, filling, and information technology'south the almost convenient thing there is when you lot're working on a cavalcade or fixing some equipment — I mean, who's got fourth dimension for a proper dinner anyway?
Sound Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Least Favorite Nutrient
You lot know, all those... overpriced, fancy foods. Personally, I recollect it'southward uncivilized and, bluntly, dangerous to splash out and indulge yourself every time y'all take a little hunger pang.
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
Happy Altogether. Hither'southward my gift to you — it'due south a purse containing some words of advice that may assist you through tough patches. ...No, don't open information technology yet. During the twelvemonth ahead, this handbag will open up itself when the right time comes.
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Feelings Nigh Rise: Intro
This was ordained past fate! Long had I foreseen it.
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Feelings Virtually Ascension: Building Up
...Ane step closer. Possibly shortly I shall finally uncover the truth of this world?
Sound Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
My scryglass has long since preordained all that volition take place beneath the stars it reflects.
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Feelings Nigh Rising: Determination
In the reflection of the water, I encounter the ascent of the morning star.
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Elemental Skill: I
Let me scry!
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Elemental Skill: Two
Shadows of fate!
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Elemental Skill: Iii
Delve into destiny!
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Elemental Burst: I
Fate is upon yous.
Sound Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Elemental Burst: Two
Written in the stars!
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Elemental Flare-up: Three
Decided by destiny!
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Deploying Wind Glider: I
Scry the heaven!
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Opening Treasure Breast: I
Nosotros could exercise with some more than fortune...
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Opening Treasure Breast: 2
This should cover food and hire for a while!
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
Opening Treasure Breast: III
Ah, finding treasure is pretty exhilarating!
Audio Linguistic communication English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Low HP: I
My vision is clouded...
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
Low HP: II
Odius fate...
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Depression HP: 3
This was non foretold!
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
Fallen: I
The stars... are fading...
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Fallen: 2
Destiny cannot be... denied.
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Fallen: Three
My reckoning... has come...
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
Light Striking Taken: I
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Sound Response
Heavy Hit Taken: I
Leave my space!
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Joining Political party: I
This is destiny.
Audio Language English language Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Joining Party: II
This is how it must be.
Audio Language English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response
Joining Party: 3
It is as the stars foretold.
Audio Linguistic communication English Japanese Chinese Korean
Audio Response


Character Details
Teyvat is a identify where people of all sorts go virtually their business organization. Merchants move products, knights patrol, and farmers till the land.

Just if ane were to ask Mona — the enigmatic and prideful astrologist — what she busies herself with, she volition reply by saying that she is servicing a debt known as "life."

She will, however, vigorously deny existence "poor," giving the following explanation:

"Beautiful veneers may obscure uncomplicated truths.

Exquisite nutrient may mask its nutritional value.

One lives simply, all the ameliorate to expose this earth's truths."

A frugal lifestyle, therefore, is a form of grooming to admission the truth... Or so Mona will insist.

Teyvat is a place where people of all sorts go well-nigh their business organisation, and fifty-fifty an enigmatic astrologist must look to hers.

—That said, it seems like bards might be the exception to this dominion.

Character Story 1
Unlock Condition Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 2
Recently, Mona's instructor, an old but highly skilled female astrologist, has entrusted a very important task to her.

Her instructor has an former rival-friend in Mondstadt, and she wanted Mona to remember a highly confidential box from that person's successor.

"If you dare wait within that books... Well, y'all'll see."

That was the alert Mona received before parting.

To Mona'south surprise, this successor was none other than the Spark Knight, Klee.

The box was even so extant, merely due to Klee's actions and a series of accidents... Mona unwittingly unraveled the enigma backside the box.

"I—I'm washed for. The thing inside this was the dark history of her youth... she volition kill me if I go back like this..."

Mona was thus forced to stay in Mondstadt, first a bitterly frugal but bountifully fulfilling being.

Grapheme Story 2
Unlock Status Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
Mona's astrology utilizes hydromancy, and she once explained the underlying principles thusly:

"It is people's fate that shines in the dark sky, and though its reflection in h2o is but an illusion, information technology reveals the truth all the same."

No one else tin can quite embrace this principle, simply Mona's ability convinces people to believe in information technology anyway.

Albeit, sometimes grudgingly...

Her astrological readings are exceptionally precise, and she will neither lie nor hold annihilation back when revealing the results of her readings.

"Your son says that he's made it. That'south a lie."

"You lot've got no chance with him. In fact, he will soon get out you."

The cold, difficult truth is laid blank before people' eyes, consummate with all the grisly details that they would rather remained buried.

Mona will make no exceptions to this, and as such she can seem completely lacking in human emotion.

But sometimes, on a clear night, she tin be seen on a high mountain gradient.

There, Mona gazes upward at the stars in the sky — then close, she feels, that she could almost reach out and bear upon them — with gentle eyes, humming an unknown tune to herself.

Character Story 3
Unlock Condition Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Having never studied the art of finance, the astrologist Mona is always hovering around the poverty line.

In social club to save on food expenses, she one time ate mushrooms for an entire calendar month straight. If non for some relief funds coming from time to time, she would take had trouble eking out a living.

Mona does in fact have some money set bated. Even though she must eventually run dry without an income, she tin irksome the bleeding past scrimping in the food department.

And then where does the rest of the Mora become? Well, if you lot've ever had a await inside her lab, and then know that the large pile of astrology-related apparatus and tools in there didn't come out of thin air.

In fact, all of them come with a hefty cost tag — books from Liyue, an astrolabe from Sumeru... The shipping fees solitary are impressive.

That Mona should exist in abject poverty comes, therefore, as no surprise.

In order to support herself, Mona eventually took upwards a commercial contract — her contributions to a column well-nigh constellation in The Steambird have become her about stable income source.

Now having a monthly income, Mona could have left her life of poverty. Simply how could an astrologist's pursuit of knowledge terminate here?

Whenever she gets paid, Mona will immediately shell out on more than star divination-related resources, returning to a state of destitution once again.

This process plays out every month.

Today, too, is another twenty-four hour period Mona worries over Mora.

Character Story 4
Unlock Condition Unlocks at Friendship Lv. v
Mona will sometimes meet up with Klee and Albedo, her principal reason being to get a complimentary repast.

Secondary to that is to exchange pointers with Albedo.

Since they are both people who seek to unveil the principles of the world, and both are achieved students of famed masters, aligning themselves with one another and working together is perfectly normal.

Mona staunchly defends her instructor'due south image in front of Albedo.

However, she also often complains virtually "that onetime hag."

"Y'all speak of your illustrious lineage, however you also refer to your master every bit a "hag" and a "stubborn dimwit." Which of these descriptions is authentic?"

Albedo could non help but enquire this question — and when he did, Mona promptly realized that she had never given information technology much thought herself.

Stroking her mentum, she pondered this paradox deeply for a moment, earlier responding:

"Hmph. The techniques passed down to me are exceptional, of course, but my teacher is non my equal.

Does she know the market place rates for eggs, butter, or wheat? In this regard, I take already far surpassed her."

Character Story 5
Unlock Condition Unlocks at Friendship Lv. half dozen
During her apprenticeship, Mona found that the subtle abstractions of her principal's teachings could explicate the laws that governed the beingness of all things.

Human hearts were guided past these laws, and if 1 had great enough powers of adding, all the mysteries of the world could exist understood.

Mona one time believed this to be true.

But when she had to strike out on her own and alive twenty-four hour period-to-twenty-four hours, she found herself doubting.

Not everyone lived wealthy and comfortable lives. Some neither had food nor warm clothes, living no differently from beggars.

And it was just such an adventurer who, when meeting Mona while she was out looking for fruits and vegetables to fill her stomach, shared half their food with her.

"Out here, we've gotta have each other's backs."

This was not something inscribed on these so-called principles of the world. And many other such things she encountered on her journey — the honesty of a thief, a robber's modify of heart, a coward'due south backbone, the good deeds of a wicked person...

Mona began to have some doubts, just she also felt like she finally had her feet on solid basis.

When she was again alone with her thoughts nether the stars, she marveled that her research had been and so full of holes.

Perhaps she would take to continue researching the world's principles for the rest of her life.

All Things Astrological
Unlock Condition Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
The Courtroom of Fontaine's mainline newspaper, The Steambird, has many a featured section that contains all sorts of news and gossip drawn from every corner of the seven nations.

The section Mona contributes to is known every bit "All Things Astrological," and it is a column specifically targeted at hobbyists and professionals. That she had this opportunity at all was pure chance.

When the previous contributing author was traveling the world, he heard tell of a strange astrologist, and his hobbyist's curiosity compelled him to seek her out.

Their correspondence left him deeply impressed.

As information technology happened, he was also looking to retire, and seeing that Mona was strapped for Mora, reached out to help her by recommending her to the editor-in-chief of The Steambird.

When Mona released her showtime column, "An Introduction to Astrology," the column, heretofore known for being like shooting fish in a barrel reading, experienced a massive shift in tone.

Virtually of each issue was dedicated to discussing the movement of angelic bodies and other hard (and obscure) topics. Academic quotations, dumbo footnotes and fifty-fifty the occasional manus-drawn star maps abounded in these writings.

The editor-in-chief could not help but feel worried that this approach was also academic. Would it find acceptance with long-time readers? Every bit it turned out, there was no need to fret. The publishing house received a great many messages that read something similar this:

"Wow, this is amazing. I don't really become it, but this is super interesting. Consider me a fan of Astrologist Mona Megistus."

After getting approval to go along submitting manuscripts, Mona could finally heave a sigh of relief.

Now, how best to gloat... Ah yes. Perhaps she should use her first paycheck to purchase that latest-edition planetarium she'd had her eye on for a while now...

Unlock Condition Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
To Mona, that her Vision was sent to her from the gods doesn't mean a great deal.

This is not to say that possessing an external focus for elemental power is not useful.

Having power is e'er a practiced thing, simply when compared to lofty "truth," "martial prowess" is such a pathetically small concept.

The gods, likewise, are bound by the rules of this world. Mona seeks the final truth of the world, hidden amidst the sea of stars.

As such, she does not take any reverence for her Vision, which the people of this globe consider to exist a sign of divine favor and the source of all power.

Nonetheless, this item that serves no applied utilize in her hands is something that she treasures greatly.

It was gifted to her by her instructor as a teaching aid, and it is the simply evidence of their fourth dimension together every bit primary and pupil.

She preserves these distant memories with great care. This exquisitely-made instruction aid thus accompanied her everywhere, similar an accessory worn by whatever other maiden.

Until one day, when a Vision of her very own would quietly indwell this old instruction assist...


Source: https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/mona/?lang=EN

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